Duplicate a WEM env on another server


we have an old WEM env which we want to be a duplicate of the current env we have.

We have patched the old WEM env to match the current env, but we now need to transfer the database and static files across.

We are thinking of just taking a dump of the current database and then loading it into the old env, and also zipping up the entire static files dir (file_source and perhaps others) from the current env, and unzipping on the old server.

Will this work? We believe it should be ok as the static files would match those identified in the database, but not sure if we are missing something.




  • Hey Cris,


    It is possible, however workload depends on how the environment was configured in first place. We have numerous production environments provisioned using cloning and that includes clusters, loadbalancers etc.


    Before you start moving files make a complete dump of your WEM config space. Things to consider:

    Rtsvcs – hard coded hosts or fqdn names

    WEM – referenced hosts names, listeners, proxies





    From: eLink Entry: Discussion Group - Web Experience Management [mailto:v7webcontentmanagement@elinkkc.opentext.com]
    Sent: 23 June 2016 05:17
    To: eLink Recipient <devnull@elinkkc.opentext.com>
    Subject: Duplicate a WEM env on another server


    Duplicate a WEM env on another server


    Posted by Merodio, Cris On 06/23/2016 12:15 AM




    we have an old WEM env which we want to be a duplicate of the current env we have.

    We have patched the old WEM env to match the current env, but we now need to transfer the database and static files across.

    We are thinking of just taking a dump of the current database and then loading it into the old env, and also zipping up the entire static files dir (file_source and perhaps others) from the current env, and unzipping on the old server.

    Will this work? We believe it should be ok as the static files would match those identified in the database, but not sure if we are missing something.



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    Discussion Group - Web Experience Management

    Content Server:

    Knowledge Center


  • This sounds like a use case that maps to the WEM Motion or WEM Transfer Tool applications.


    Nick Constant

    Staff Escalation Engineer | Customer Support

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    From: eLink Entry: Discussion Group - Web Experience Management [mailto:v7webcontentmanagement@elinkkc.opentext.com]
    Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2016 4:05 AM
    To: eLink Recipient
    Subject: RE Duplicate a WEM env on another server


    RE Duplicate a WEM env on another server


    Posted by Seredyn, Andrew On 06/23/2016 05:04 AM



    Hey Cris,


    It is possible, however workload depends on how the environment was configured in first place. We have numerous production environments provisioned using cloning and that includes clusters, loadbalancers etc.


    Before you start moving files make a complete dump of your WEM config space. Things to consider:

    Rtsvcs – hard coded hosts or fqdn names

    WEM – referenced hosts names, listeners, proxies





    From: eLink Entry: Discussion Group - Web Experience Management [mailto:v7webcontentmanagement@elinkkc.opentext.com]
    Sent: 23 June 2016 05:17
    To: eLink Recipient <devnull@elinkkc.opentext.com>
    Subject: Duplicate a WEM env on another server


    Duplicate a WEM env on another server


    Posted by Merodio, Cris On 06/23/2016 12:15 AM




    we have an old WEM env which we want to be a duplicate of the current env we have.

    We have patched the old WEM env to match the current env, but we now need to transfer the database and static files across.

    We are thinking of just taking a dump of the current database and then loading it into the old env, and also zipping up the entire static files dir (file_source and perhaps others) from the current env, and unzipping on the old server.

    Will this work? We believe it should be ok as the static files would match those identified in the database, but not sure if we are missing something.



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    Discussion Group - Web Experience Management

    Content Server:

    Knowledge Center


    [To post a comment, use the normal reply function]


    Duplicate a WEM env on another server


    Discussion Group - Web Experience Management

    Content Server:

    Knowledge Center