How to use Bootstrap css in custom templates?
I need help to use Bootstrap css in my templates, how to do that, thanks in advance.
You can think of the Collab templating language as jsp, so integrating Bootstrap would be similar to integrating Bootstrap into a jsp environment.
To determine which shtml file generates which bit of content, you can add the following line of code to the end of globals.shtml:
When you refresh templates (/gm?refresh=true), the generated HTML source will contain comments indicating where template includes start and end.
From: eLink Entry: Vignette Collaboration Developers Forum []
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2016 3:02 PM
To: eLink Recipient
Subject: How to use Bootstrap css in custom templates?Posted by Arumugam, Saravanan On 06/28/2016 04:58 PM
I need help to use Bootstrap css in my templates, how to do that, thanks in advance.
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Thanks Curtis, I'll try.
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