WCMS Asset Assignment fails
Hi Expert,
When I perform the steps as mentioned in guide 3.4.1 & 3.4.2 . When I click on [...] I am getting an error "Which says faield to process script OpentextOtmmAddon_sendAssetAssignmentDialogData is not defined".
PLease let me know where I need to define this and also find attached snap of error message.
looks like something went wrong with step 3.4.1 from the Install&Config guide: Adding the javascript and css includes to the index.zul file of cmscockpit
https://knowledge.opentext.com/knowledge/piroot/damsap/v160000/damsap-ihi/en/html/sectmanwcms.htmThe opentextotmmaddon.js obviously is not loaded.
Are you working with the btgcockpit extension? Is the path to the javascript file (as well as to the css file) valid in your deployment?<?script src="/../otmmaddonui/js/opentextotmmaddon.js?v=16.0.0"?> <style src="/../otmmaddonui/css/opentextotmmaddon.css?v=16.0.0"/>
Best regards,
Xaver0 -
Thanks Xaver,
Issue was re solved after i re deployed media servelt. And re did all the steps.
Reaalu apprecaite all your support throughout.Thanks,
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