Custom eMail client or use exchange server for workflow notifications

Hi Guys,

I am working on a Custom Workflow, which involved in notifying the admins as well as the requestor, when a task created by the workflow. Our corporate email service uses the Office 365 exchange server, I attempted to use the same details to send notifications when there is a task, unfortunately workflow module can only with SMTP servers. Is there a way we can write a custom eMail client for the workflow modular, or is there a way to make use of exchange server? Any help will be appreciated.

Environment: WEM 10.5 (DSM), Vision 2010, Office 365 exchange server (email)




  • Krishna,


    It is possible to write new custom Java Program Task to use in your workflow which has logic to communicate with Exchange Servers.


    Please look at WEM Extension Developer guide for example code of a simple Java Program Task.


    Best Regards





    From: eLink Entry: Discussion Group - Web Experience Management <>
    Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2019 9:34 PM
    To: eLink Recipient <>
    Subject: Custom eMail client or use exchange server for workflow notifications


    Custom eMail client or use exchange server for workflow notifications


    Posted (Singampalli, Krishna) On 07/21/2019 09:30 PM



    Hi Guys,

    I am working on a Custom Workflow, which involved in notifying the admins as well as the requestor, when a task created by the workflow. Our corporate email service uses the Office 365 exchange server, I attempted to use the same details to send notifications when there is a task, unfortunately workflow module can only with SMTP servers. Is there a way we can write a custom eMail client for the workflow modular, or is there a way to make use of exchange server? Any help will be appreciated.

    Environment: WEM 10.5 (DSM), Vision 2010, Office 365 exchange server (email)



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