XPath error in catalina


I am currently following a training: 2-4912 - Low-code for appworks platform 16.5. But I'm developing it in 16.6.1 and got stuck in chapter 7.
I have to make a lifecycle en task list like they set up to do, but when I was testing it I got some useless errors. After some time searching more details about the error I found these rows in the Catalina file created by Tomee.

13-Nov-2019 08:15:43.724 SEVERE [http-nio-8080-exec-7] org.apache.openejb.core.transaction.EjbTransactionUtil.handleSystemException EjbTransactionUtil.handleSystemException: com.opentext.cordys.entityCore.elements.lifecycleElement.LifecycleException: "An error occurred while performing the action." Contact the administrator.
com.google.common.util.concurrent.UncheckedExecutionException: com.opentext.cordys.entityCore.elements.lifecycleElement.LifecycleException: "An error occurred while performing the action." Contact the administrator.
Caused by: com.opentext.cordys.entityCore.elements.lifecycleElement.LifecycleException: "An error occurred while performing the action." Contact the administrator.
Caused by: com.opentext.cordys.entityCore.elements.lifecycleElement.LifecycleException: "An error occurred while performing the action." Contact the administrator.
Caused by: com.eibus.localization.exception.custom.LocalizableXPathExpressionException: com.eibus.xml.xpath.exception.XPathException: XPath expression compilation failed. syntax error at position 25
Caused by: com.eibus.xml.xpath.exception.XPathException: XPath expression compilation failed. syntax error at position 25

Whenever you need the rows that are showing in between the caused by, let me know and I post everything of this error.


  • Does the error occur in a particular state or task?

    If it is not too much trouble could you try deleting the Lifecycle building block and seeing if the problems are still occurring? (Take a snapshot first).

  • Thanks for commenting.

    I know it has something to do with the tasks. On the home page I am not able to go to "Inbox > all tasks" (also the other subcategories I can't open). The error I get is the same as shown above: ""An error occurred while performing the action." Contact the administrator."".

    Even when the lifecycle is deleted (and the tasklist that is created with the lifecycle is also deleted with it) and I want to open all tasks, I still get the same error.