LicenseChecker - unable to find default fallback license file: WEB-INF/classes/LSCS.lic

I am working on a PoC, and trying to deploy to LSCS server from our Teamsite server. I can see below error in the logs:

05-08-20 @ 11:58:09 [ERROR] LicenseChecker - unable to find default fallback license file: WEB-INF/classes/LSCS.lic

Can you please suggest what could be the issue?

Our Teamsite and LSCS are installed on two different servers.

I can see the LSCS.lic on LSCS server (D:\Interwoven\LiveSiteCSRT\runtime\webapps\lscs\WEB-INF\classes)

but I cannot see the LSCS.lic file on Teamsite(base) server:

So does this LSCS.lic file need to be there on both Teamsite(base) as well as LSCS servers?



  • All LSCS instances require a license, so you must request one for the local TeamSite instance, if you need to use local LSCS (for preview). Deployments and search, which also need LSCS/AT installed, will work without an LSCS license. 

    Check with support,  I am not certain if that is another line item that you have to pay for, or if it is included as part of a TS purchase. 

  • Thank You Andy! LSCS.lic was not the issue behind the deployment failure.
TeamSite Developer Resources

  • Docker Automation

  • LiveSite Content Services (LSCS) REST API

  • Single Page Application (SPA) Modules

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