How to get role tasks of the current user in API

edited June 3, 2020 in AppWorks #1
Is there a way to get role tasks of the current user in api ? and how ?
given user id.


  • Ethan Beisher
    What are you trying to accomplish? Take a look at "Defining lists on a tasks child entity" in the AppWorks Platform 20.2 Low-Code Design Guide for information around this.
  • That pretty works for me .. Thank you,
    I was trying to filter and retrieve role's tasks
  • d_farouk
    edited June 6, 2020 #4
    What are you trying to accomplish? Take a look at "Defining lists on a tasks child entity" in the AppWorks Platform 20.2 Low-Code Design Guide for information around this.
    I run into small problem when defining a list for the Tasks entity, I'd like to hide this list for certain roles, so i added security building block to the Tasks entity. I gave one role the permissions to claim and complete tasks. Now this role can now claim/complete all the lifecycle tasks even if he's not the assignee role, how to fix.

  • Ethan Beisher
    Disable the Complete Task, Claim Task, Delegate, etc. actions for all roles in the Security building block. That permission should be granted by the assignment in the Activity itself.
  • But this removes the task actions from the action bar, I found another workaround, to add security condition on these actions:
    item.Task.TaskTarget in targetRoles()
