How to check when the Workflow is Created? Manually and using DQL?

Hi everyone, 

I am a newbie in Documentum. I would like to know how to know when is the date workflow is created? (Manually and using DQL).

Thank you so much in advance. 

Appreciate your help :) 


  • dm_workflow.r_start_date

    It's the date and time the workflow is started, which may or may not be the same as the creation date. If you need to creation date, you may need to enable auditing and get it via dm_audittrail.

  • bacham3 said:

    It's the date and time the workflow is started, which may or may not be the same as the creation date. If you need to creation date, you may need to enable auditing and get it via dm_audittrail.

    Thank you for your advise!