How can we configure the login dialog in D2 16.5

edited December 18, 2020 in Documentum #1
How can we configure the login dialog in D2 16.5? I need to show custom message in red in the login dialog of D2 16.5.
It should appear below the Password Text field. Please kindly let me know if you have any solution for the same.
Thank you.


  • This is not configurable/customizable, as far as I know. You have to modify the following D2 files (which will be overwritten during a D2 upgrade):
    - X3_Portal.jsp
    - X3_Portal.css

    Pedro Maia
    Senior Consultant

  • Thank you @PedroMaia
     I will have a look into X3_Portal.jsp file  :)
  • I could not find which section to modify, any clue on where to start.
  • @MohamedYousuff , I have modified X3_Portal.jsp <body onload="mymessage()"> tag to trigger display message on login page load. Though it is straightforward, however it would display the alert message everytime D2 page is reloaded. So perhaps you may use some logic to not trigger the message if it is already triggered based on certain session values.