How to show new line text using any of the text display components in xCP Designer

edited August 8, 2020 in Documentum #1
Hi to all,

A screen of my application contains a text area which shows an output to the user. I am trying to write the output of a stateless flow which contains multiple lines to the screen (via text area).
In text area, the newline characters are trimming and I got an ugly output as you can see below.
I know that the newline characters can seen when using Rich Text component, however I cannot set its value from a flow or cannot set as the value of an attribute.

I am trying to show:
Step 1
x is OK.
y is OK.

However current output is:
-----Step 1-----x is OK.y is OK.*****

Can you help me about this issue? How can I show the output as I want?



  • You can use "Value Display" widget and set it to "HTML".. then you can use <br> tags.
  • We have this problem migrating from 2.1 to 16.4 - newlines are being trimmed by the Text Area widget when they were displayed before hand. Is this really expected behaviour? Our users enter multi-paragraph blocks of text and they are not going to be adding <br> all over the place. This must be a bug.
  • Karen Weir
    @DCTM_Guru, do you have expertise in this area, or know of any peers that can jump in here?  I'll reach out internally as well :smile:
  • Hi Karen, thanks for jumping in, I'm pleased to say I've found a fix. Tracked down to an issue with the CleanTheme which the our app's theme is based on - clue came from ID:KB7864583 which is about not being able to add new lines when editing. Solution is to remove the white-space: normal !important style attribute from the .x-form-field class in the CSS.