How to export Documentum D2 matrix (v 4.7)


Hi everyone,

simple question: in your experience is there a way to export D2 matrix to Excel?

This is just to have a faster way to check and verify matrix updates, despite the content of each context and rule.




  • Karen Weir

    Hi @Arthy , have you been able to find a way to export, or is this still open for the community members?

  • Hi Karen,

    unfortunately I have not found any solution.

    I see no one has any suggestions, so you can decide whether to keep the thread open or close it.

  • You can export either as a ZIP file or XML. If you want to see the differences between two configurations, you can use the menu File / Generate XML configuration delta. Checkout the D2 Admin Guide for more information.

  • Hello bachman3,

    I know the "Diff XML ...", but I was referring to the "D2 matrix", not to the overall configuration of D2.

    In any case "Diff XML ..." I understand it to verify small changes, otherwise it seems a delusion to me. How do you use it? With which viewer?

    In the Admin Guide I don't think there's much about it ...

  • Not sure what you mean. You can drill down to the changes you are interested in. In any case, I'm not aware of any other comparison tool. Otherwise, you can always compare the two D2 configuration version directly on the file system: the contexts are exported within the d2_documentset folder (inside the ZIP file) and each context is a separate XML file. You can use file system based tools for comparison if you prefer. Or do it directly via DQL by selecting against d2_documentset before and after your changes.