Exchange OTDS Ticket with SAMLart in AWP 16.7
We are exploring using entity rest api's like below:
<host url>/app/entityRestService/Elements(35459d93398733bc898bebe69f7b2253.00155D3CA701A1E7B3B3BB43613614B1)/ResultItems?include=PropDescs,Rules,Usage&language=en-US
The only issue here is when we are authenticating with OTDS, we get the OTDSTicket and I see SAMLArt is using when making calls on the browser in ootb appworks.
Is there a way to convert OTDSTicket to SAMLArt so we can pass that along in the request headers?
@Mahesh_Concept, see this knowledge base article Process/AppWorks Platform - How to use OTDS tickets -
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@Johan Pluimers - we followed the steps and was able to get the saml assertion but still getting below error when we invoke the rest calls to entities:
{"error":{"type":"UnauthorizedAccessException","message":"The request requires user authentication.","detail":null}}
We have two OTDS Resources (one for Authentication at System org level and another one for syncing users at Org level). When we are getting OTDS ticket, we are using the Authentication resourceid for targetresourceid.
Is this something we are doing wrong?
Thank you for your response.
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Once you have a SAML artifact then the user authentication was successful. It means that the user does exist.
Only thing then is to pass the SAML artifact either as cookie or as an HTTP header. See KB11935236
How do you pass the SAMLart in your entity rest request?
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