Issue with executing html5 SDK code
I published a web-page utilizing html5 SDK apis (cordys.ajax), now when i deploy this page to another organization it invokes the webservice on the first organization. Any idea how to resolve.
I'm referring to cordys apis, using this url:
<script src="/cordys/html5/cordys.html5sdk.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Here's code snippet of the js invoking webservice:
$.cordys.ajax({ method: "GetTopFiveAppsByLDCCode",namespace: "http://schemas/BASSEGASHill/Application/operations", dataType: '* json', parameters: { LDCCode: LDC, date: CurrentDate } }).done(function (AppsResponse) { // Show the Apps on the screen // console.log(AppsResponse) data = AppsResponse var i = 1 $.each(AppsResponse, function (k, v) { // console.log(k) if (k.indexOf("Application") > -1) { //console.log(k); =//console.log(v); =arr.push({ "rowNum": i, "App_No": v.App_No, "National_ID": v.National_ID, "LDC_Name": v.LDC_Name, "Client": v.Client, "Start_Date": moment(v.Start_Date).format("DD/MM/yyyy") }) i += 1 // console.log(v) } }); d.resolve(arr); // console.log(arr); }).fail(function (error) { alert("Error " + error + " in getting Apps"); d.reject(); });
The organization in which the request is executed is determined by the organization context of the request. The organization name is taken from the url.
For example, when executing the request via /home/system, then system is the organization context.
When using /home/acme, then acme is the organization context.
In case no context is given, for example when /cordys is used, then the default organization as configured for the user is used. See the user details in the User Manager.
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