eDocs Rest API for delete reference is not working

I am trying to delete the reference by using below url,
but not working getting below things in the logs,
2021-07-21 10:22:27,145 [][SYSTEM][12080]->[HTTP] OPTIONS /edocsapi/v1.0/documents/8/references?library=ARDEMO 2021-07-21 10:22:27,160 [][SYSTEM][12080]<-[HTTP] 200 OK 2021-07-21 10:22:27,523 [][SYSTEM][1180]->[HTTP] DELETE /edocsapi/v1.0/documents/8/references?library=ARDEMO 2021-07-21 10:22:27,523 [][DMUSER][1180]DEBUG: REQUEST ERROR DELETE /edocsapi/v1.0/documents/8/references?library=ARDEMO Invalid data 2021-07-21 10:22:27,523 [][SYSTEM][1180]WARNING: BAD REQUEST [DELETE] 2021-07-21 10:22:27,523 [][SYSTEM][1180]<-[HTTP] 400 Bad Request
could you please share some thought on this.
The request requires three parameters
refsysid = system id** of the reference to remove
refid = id of the container to remove reference from
reflib = library of the container to remove reference from
** SYSTEM_ID or REMOTE_SYSTEM_ID if not the same library as the container
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The DELETE request url takes only two parameters,
8 here refers to the DOC NUM of document for which the reference to be deleted. ARDEMO is the library name. Where do we need to pass the System Id ? Please provide the sample working request.
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To delete an individual reference:
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This may save you a couple of steps...
Delete all the references at the time of delete can be done by including the "delrefs" parameter
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Thanks it works..
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