TeamSite 20.4 edit button revert to old behavior?

Hello, our users hate the changes to the "Edit" button in CC pro where you have to click once on "Edit" then again on "Edit with CC Professional".
That plugin or whatever that allows users to edit this dropdown is blocked by our security policy as it requires admin rights.
How do we get the functionality back as it was in 16.6, where clicking "Edit" opens the DCT.
I removed "edit with" option by adding below snippet in iw-home/TeamSite/local/config/lib/content_center/customer_src/etc/conf/customer/ui_custom.xml
<action-list id="iw.ccpro.file.action-list">
<menu id="">
<link id=""/>
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I added this in the ui_filesys.xml (and tried the ui_custom.xml) file and ran the toolkit but the edit with CC option is still appearing?
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I got it to work...I had to add these to the ui_custom.xml file. I just have to make the name shorter. Thanks!
<action-list id="iw.ccpro.file.action-list"> <menu id=""> <iwov-delete> <link id="" refid=""/> </iwov-delete> </menu> </action-list> <action-list id="iw.ccpro.filesys.menubar"> <menu id=""> <iwov-delete> <link id="" refid=""/> </iwov-delete> </menu> </action-list> <action-list id="iw.ccpro.file.action-list"> <iwov-insert-before id=""> <link id="" refid=""/> </iwov-insert-before> </action-list>
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Hello @bmanilow13 and others,
Thank you for your suggested change in your previous comment here.
Were you able to make its name shorter from "Edit with CC Professional" to just "Edit"? And if so, could you please provide details on how to achieve it?
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