Adding template data to Metadata fields
TL;DR; I am trying to move template data (content) to the metadata node in the LiveSite response. (So I can query these fields in LiveSite.) From what I have been told, this is possible but I am having zero success with the suggestions I have been given.
What I am trying to do is query Content Items in TeamSite, through LiveSite, using Content Item fields (index template data so it is searchable through LiveSite). I was pointed in the direction of FieldMappings for this, which seems to be the way to go from the TeamSite docs I have read. But no matter what I try, I cannot get results back from LiveSite using a Content Item field as the q(uery) parameter.
I am testing in kubernetes deploy of TeamSite/LiveSite.
The namespaces in the cluster are: authoring, default, ingress-nginx-internal, ingress-nginx-public, kube-node-lease, kube-public, kube-system, misc, postgres, runtime, and storage.
The pods in the authoring namespace are: authoring/authoring-0, authoring/indexer-0, authoring/solr-0, authoring/solrexporter-0 and authoring/zoo-0.
The pods in the runtime namespace are: runtime/lscs-0, runtime/lsds-0, runtime/odreceiver-0, runtime/solr-0, runtime/solrexporter-0 and runtime/zoo-0.
I have tried updating /Interwoven/Indexer/etc/FieldMapping.xml and adding /Interwoven/Indexer/etc/fieldmappings/DevxFieldMappings.xml in both the authoring/authoring-0 and authoring/indexer-0 pods. This did nothing.
I tried updating /Interwoven/ApplicationContainer/standalone/deployments/iw-cc.war/WEB-INF/conf/livesite/resources/lscs-resource-config.xml and adding fieldmappings/DevxFieldMappings.xml in both the authoring/authoring-0 and authoring/indexer-0 pods. This did nothing.
I have attached the files. My DevxFieldMappings.xml is the same in all the locations mentioned above so I only attached one.
Also, the pathToData may seem weird in my DevxFieldMappings.xml because I have been trying so many combinations to get this to work. And lscs-resource-config.xml has a whole bunch of beans defined, again, because I was just trying anything to get this to work.
Thanks in advance for any insight to my problem.
Hi Greg
For the authoring system, template data set up in FieldMapping.xml is only used by the Indexer server to index the extracted template fields into Solr, so that LSCS Authoring Server can perform the search based on these fields. From both ccpro Search UI and EStudio Search bar, you will find these field mapping fields are listed as searchable metadata.
When LSCS Authoring Server returns the search results, it returns the metadata by querying TeamSite file EAs. Since TeamSite does not store these template fields as EA, these template fields are not be returned.
It would be a feature request that LSCS Authoring Server returns the field mapping fields.
And, for the case that - please note not to do the file changes inside the pods, they should go outside in the configfiles. If the pod goes down then the pod-only configs are lost.
Regards - Martin
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