Cannot authenticate using API
We have an issue authenticating in the NA-1-DEV environment.
We have reset the client credentials and generated new ones, reset the password at the tenant level, checked the URL's and the tenant ID, still cannot seem to be able to authenticate. I can provide all details (client id, secret, user, password) in order to replicate the issue.
Are you sure the user you are using has access to the application within the tenant? Tenant Admin will automatically be a user of the app - others will not and need to be assigned via the API or via Admin Center.
Please run the same with a new test application.
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Hi @LazarescuA ,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
Can you please add the Authorization as shown in the below image and give a try
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Thank you. Tried with Basic authentication also, same result.
The user is the tenant admin.
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