OTMM CE 21.2 kubernates pod error waiting for otds service
OTMM CE 21.2 kubernates pod error waiting for otds service ?
Hw to resolve this?
Just a sanity check, did you deploy OTDS prior to deploying OTMM? Also, within the helm chart, verify that the addresses are defined for the OTDS. If the OTDS pod isn't started, that is likely the reason.
Jeremy Naylor
Lead Quality Analyst | Engineering / XECM0 -
yes its started and able to lauch seperately
Thanks for quick response
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OTMM pod describe
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 47m default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/otmm-0 to gke-cluster-2-default-pool-eb081b8e-tplp
Normal SuccessfulAttachVolume 47m attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach succeeded for volume "pvc-8e3048a8-d655-4b61-a68f-4b732ec35acb"
Normal Pulling 46m kubelet Pulling image "europe-north1-docker.pkg.dev/otmmdamtestk8-2c5b/damrepoall/otmm:21.2"
Normal Pulled 46m kubelet Successfully pulled image "europe-north1-docker.pkg.dev/otmmdamtestk8-2c5b/damrepoall/otmm:21.2" in 1.922200074s
Normal Created 46m kubelet Created container otmm
Normal Started 46m kubelet Started container otmm
Warning Unhealthy 65s (x44 over 44m) kubelet Readiness probe failed: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
OTMM log
**Decrypted data is** null
index_SEC.cfg has been created.
Sep 07, 2022 2:19:29 PM com.artesia.common.encryption.encryption.EncryptDecryptWrapper doEncryptDecrypt
INFO: File has been encrypted
**Decrypted data is** null
OTDS_SEC_Srv.cfg has been created and encrypted.
Sep 07, 2022 2:19:30 PM com.artesia.common.encryption.encryption.EncryptDecryptWrapper doEncryptDecrypt
INFO: File has been encrypted
**Decrypted data is** null
SMTP_SEC_Srv.cfg has been created and encrypted.
Sep 07, 2022 2:19:31 PM com.artesia.common.encryption.encryption.EncryptDecryptWrapper doEncryptDecrypt
INFO: File has been encrypted
**Decrypted data is** null
RabbitMQ_SEC_Srv.cfg has been created and encrypted.
Waiting for OTDS Service...
config map
OTDS_PORT: "8080" also tried with 80 OTDS_HOST: "otdsws"
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So that error generally means that the OTMM server cannot communicate with the OTDS server. Without knowing your architecture, can't really help much, but I would verify that the address/url configured in the values.yaml, under
otdsPublicHostname: &otds_host your.domain.here
otdsPublicPortNumber: &otds_port
Is accessible from within the workspace that you are using, It could be a port issue, or invalid address. But long story short, it cannot communicate, it will wait for I believe the timeout is 3 minutes, and then fail out.
Jeremy Naylor
Lead Quality Analyst | Engineering / XECM0 -
In values yaaml I set useDefaultIngressHost: &use_default_ingress_host true
for above reason , i didnt set below values instead system will use config map values
#------------------------------------- # - Independent public hostname # ------------------------------------ otdsPublicHostname: &otds_host mbirPublicHostname: &mbir_host
and config map
OTDS_PORT: "8080" OTDS_HOST: "otdsws"
0 -
OTDS_ADMIN_USER:otadmin@otds.admin OTDS_ADMIN_PWD:otds
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We build the internal config for OTDS based off the otds_host variable being populated in
otdsPublicHostname: &otds_host
So I'd make sure that that is populated, so something simlar to
otdsPublicHostname: &otds_host your.external.domain.com
Jeremy Naylor
Lead Quality Analyst | Engineering / XECM0 -
still the same
otdsPublicHostname: &otds_host "xx.****.xx.70.nip.io" "xx.****.xx.70.nip.io" this will take me to otds login page
OTDS_PORT: "80" OTDS_HOST: "otdsws"
Normal Scheduled 5m49s default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/otmm-0 to gke-cluster-2-default-pool-eb081b8e-ak8o
Warning FailedMount 5m48s kubelet MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "otmm-custom-volume" : failed to sync configmap cache: timed out waiting for the condition
Normal SuccessfulAttachVolume 5m46s attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach succeeded for volume "pvc-8e3048a8-d655-4b61-a68f-4b732ec35acb"
Normal Pulled 5m42s kubelet Successfully pulled image "xxxxxx/damrepoall/otmm:21.2" in 2.112554746s
Normal Pulled 5m35s kubelet Successfully pulled image "xxxxxx/damrepoall/otmm:21.2" in 2.008542599s
Normal Pulled 5m17s kubelet Successfully pulled image "xxxxxx/damrepoall/otmm:21.2" in 2.678197844s
Normal Created 4m47s (x4 over 5m41s) kubelet Created container otmm
Normal Started 4m47s (x4 over 5m41s) kubelet Started container otmm
Normal Pulled 4m47s kubelet Successfully pulled image "xxxxxx/damrepoall/otmm:21.2" in 2.089065264s
Normal Pulling 3m53s (x5 over 5m44s) kubelet Pulling image "xxxxxx/damrepoall/otmm:21.2"
Warning BackOff 40s (x23 over 5m31s) kubelet Back-off restarting failed container
**Decrypted data is** null
SMTP_SEC_Srv.cfg has been created and encrypted.
Sep 07, 2022 3:38:30 PM com.artesia.common.encryption.encryption.EncryptDecryptWrapper doEncryptDecrypt
INFO: File has been encrypted
**Decrypted data is** null
RabbitMQ_SEC_Srv.cfg has been created and encrypted.
Waiting for OTDS Service...
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It's actually progress, it looks to be attempting to get an OTDS ticket now. Rather then more back and forth, feel free to create a support ticket and we can dig further.
I'd verify that in the otds logs, specifically the otds logs, to see if we are receiving an auth request.
Jeremy Naylor
Lead Quality Analyst | Engineering / XECM0 -
Sure Thanks for all your quick response . yes im going to create the ticket
one more completely different question How DB will installed im using SQLserver?
During POD creation it will be installed ?
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within the helm chart, under scripts there are db utilities.
Within there is a readme.txt file, just go through that, and it should give you direction on how to create the database.
Depending on how you access the SQL server, you can just modify the database.sql with relevant information based off of the readmet.txt and execute it on the SQL Server.
That will create the basic schema and permissions we require, when the pod is deployed it will install the rest of the relevant tables/procedures/triggers etc...
Jeremy Naylor
Lead Quality Analyst | Engineering / XECM0 -
Yes i did that step
Tables and procedures yet be created i think need to resolve this otds after it will be created i guess
Thank you so much ! Have a nice day
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Im doing mistake in this part
already sec.cfg file present with key value pair do i need to encrypt this file by copying this content to key.txt?
Im confused in this part.
I found that user name and password goes empty to the pod.
Below the document lines
To use a custom encryption key to encrypt the credentials file, do the following:
Note: You can optionally configure a custom encryption key for increased
security. By default, OTMM uses an embedded static key. If you want to
use the embedded static key, skip to step 3.
a. Generate a random key that meets the 256-bit Advanced Encryption
Standard (AES-256).
b. In the conf/vault folder, create a file called key.txt and copy the random
key value to the file.
3. Navigate to the tools folder and run the following command to encrypt the
credentials file using the vault_encrypt_decrypt_tool.sh script:
./vault_encrypt_decrypt_tool.sh <deployment_configuration_folder>/
Note: The script checks the vault folder for the key.txt file. If the file is
present, the custom encryption key is used. If the file is not present, the
default embedded encryption key is used.
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No, the only reason you'd want to use the sec.txt file is if you wanted to do some custom encryption method other then the default. In most scenarios, the default is fine.
1- Update sec.cfg with appropriate key/value pairs
2- Ignore step 2 in documentation unless you want a custom encryption key
3- run ./vault_encrypt_decrypt_tool.sh <deployment_configuration_folder>/otmm/conf/vault
Jeremy Naylor
Lead Quality Analyst | Engineering / XECM0 -
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