Site Update - Authentication for site and community
The OpenText Connect (OT Connect) authentication method will be replaced with OpenText Identity and Access Management (IAM) as the single sign-on technology used to access many OpenText web properties, including the Developer site and Community.
While we transition our authentication process to the new technology, users will be unable to log in.
Outage window:
September 11, 2022
10:00-12:00 UTC
When IAM goes live, all existing OT Connect users will receive an email from with instructions on how to initiate their IAM account and sign in for the first time; follow the instructions in that email to access our Developer site and Community.
With the launch of the new My Support Portal, we replaced the identity management system behind the OpenText Connect authentication tool with OpenText™ Identity and Access Management (IAM) as your single-entry point to OpenText developer and OpenText support resources.
For our Developer Trial users, if you experience any issues signing in to the Developer site or our Developer console, please refer to these articles.
- All Categories
- 123 Developer Announcements
- 54 Articles
- 156 General Questions
- 151 Thrust Services
- 57 Developer Hackathon
- 38 Thrust Studio
- 20.6K Analytics
- 4.2K AppWorks
- 9K Extended ECM
- 919 Core Messaging
- 84 Digital Asset Management
- 9.4K Documentum
- 34 eDOCS
- 193 Exstream
- 39.8K TeamSite
- 1.7K Web Experience Management
- 10 XM Fax
- Follow Categories