New Document - Media Management Media Widget
Media Management - Media Widget
OpenText™ Media Management (OTMM) Media Widget is an easily embeddable OTMM UI component that allows you, as an integrator, to provide access to OTMM assets from within your applications.
After embedding Media Widget in your application, users can search, filter and use assets in other applications.
The widget can be configured by the integrator to present a set of suggested assets to the user based on the embedding application context.
Source code for a sample application using the Micro Widget can be found in My Support here.
Hi there,
I would suggest starting with the Architecture Guide. The link is available on this page, you will need to sign in to My Support for the document to load successfully:
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I'd also suggest two other documents for customizations, OTMM Integration and OTMM HTML5 Integration guides:
Integration Guide link:
HTML5 Integration guide
Jeremy Naylor
Lead Quality Analyst | Engineering / XECM1
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