CLT Equivalent of TeamSite UI 'All-and-Deleted' option
I have to write a script to extract files deleted from the TeamSite workarea for archive. You can see the deleted files in the TeamSite UI with View - All & Deleted, so I am trying to find the Command Line Tool equivalent of 'All & Deleted', to no avail.
Does anyone know? I could write a script to compare the workarea with old Editions, but that would be excessive, so I am looking for whatever is used to underpin 'All & Deleted' - there is a CLT equiv for most UI options so I figure there must be one for this too.
Appreciate any pointers.
The iwlistmod CLT will list deleted files that have not yet been submitted. They will appear as:
x+ dan.txt
Unfortunately, once the deleted file is submitted, it won't be returned in the output of iwlistmod. The CLTs are written in C++, whereas the UI uses Java to perform the operations, so there isn't always a correlation between how they work.
You may be able to create a script using the CSSDK APIs. On your TeamSite server, there's a cssdk directory under TeamSite that has a docs folder with a .jar file in it. Extract the jar file and click on index.html that's extracted to view the documentation for the CSSDK.
Look in the class com.interwoven.cssdk.filesys for both CSIterator and CSFileKindMask interfaces. The CSFileKindMask interface can return files of the type Hole, which would be deleted files. There are also several other file types listed.
I hope that helps.
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Hello Dan,
yes, that did help, thank you. So no straightforward way, but in the interim I've learnt that the business only requires the archiving of deleted files up to a maximum of just 3 years.
So since the timeline is greatly reduced, I think I can find editions with iwlist, then just use `iwmp [edition] STAGING` (or edition1 edition2) in a script to find each deleted file (x+) from now to 3 years ago, then iwrevert & iwprivate to get them back for archiving.
That's not too hard to write, and hopefully won't take too long to run so I am favouring that as the quickest option.
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That sounds like a good idea. Glad I could help a little.
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