Unable to connect to Core Capture Designer
I'm unable to connect to Core Capture Designer. I successfully connected yesterday, but today when I wanted to log in Core Capture Designer the field for the subscription name was not present. So I suppose that yesterday I was able to get this field because of my previous connection, when I was using the Free Trial plan, on which I had a SiteName filled.
So to login I'm actually using the US data center + my credentials, but I don't havy any Sitename on the subscription. I tried to connect with what I seen on the Capture Web App on the profil icon, like asked in the docs, but that's the subscription name (<company-name>-CoreCapture). So I verified with Developer Tools / Network tab on the Capture Web App, the returned objects, where for my subscription the key ‘sitename’ is an empty string.
So I would like to know if there is any bypass to get the Subscription name field back on the login form in order to login, and if it is possible to investigate this issue.
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