Scheduled notification user preferences in 23.2 error
Could it be the new scheduled notification user preferences in AppWorks 23.2 will only work with an OAuth enabled e-mail service container?
When I open the user preferences in runtime, I directly see an error in the Application_Server.xml logging of the platform:
The [ GetOAuthConfig ] method is not supported for the given configuration
Please, let me know if this is the case or if it should also work with a classic non-oauth mail service container? If not, what would be the recommended mail server to try this out from a developer perspective (next to Gmail, or O365 mail)?
BR, Antal
Could you please provide the complete stack trace from Application_Server.xml to get more insight on it.
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First part is when the email service container is down; The second part is when it's up and running with this simple configuration (I use smtp4dev to try it out):
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Scheduled notification in user preferences will work with OAuth and Non OAuth enabled email service containers also.
We are looking into 'The [ GetOAuthConfig ] method is not supported for the given configuration.' error in Application_Server.xml.It will not effects the functionality.
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@AppWorks Tips , Do you still face some issues using the Notification feature ?
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Hi @nssmani,
Not one notification mail is send out? I have the schedular service up and running as well, but nothing; I only get the error from the post.
I can show you today after lunch (13.00 CEST), if you have the time?BR, Antal
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@AppWorks Tips - Did you have a resolution to this? I'm using a basic SMTP server and I can send emails/email templates manually, however not one email gets sent out with the Notification building block configured properly. I'm using AW 24.3 now.
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@minman0615 What are the log files (catalina.out and Application_Server.xml) telling? Do you see the number of messages increasing in the service containers?
I had this issue in 23.2 and moved indeed forward to 24.3, but to be honest with you, I have never tried it since. My findings are described in this blog post. That might help your research.
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