Looking for ways to use folder and document metadata in new dialogs
If a user imports a document via D2 Smart View client, it is possible to designate a destination folder.
We want to access and make use of the following metadata in the new properties dialog:
- Metadata of all super folders (e.g. Names, Project Number, Area, Category, Building, etc.)
- Metadata of the imported document if available (e.g. author, title, parts of the filename, etc.)
The aim is to remove as much as possible burden from the user to enter values manually if they are already available.
The values should be defaulted where possible but the user should still have the option to update.
It seems like this cannot be configured in D2 config but it should be possible when using the SDK.
Jürgen Tebrün : Could you detail it out further as I feel it can be done by adding the import document/create document as part of the of the action menu in D2-Config. Also mark the 'properties inheritance' in the creation profiles. This will help in prepopulating those fields in the property page.
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@Antony Nalkara According to my information, the 'properties inheritance' functionality only works, when you copy a document or select a template. In our case we are importing a document from the file system to a specific, user selected, folder in the repository.
We want to make use of the existing properties from the document in the file system and we want to use selective metadata of any repository folder in the destination folder structure.
A simple example:
A document with Title "Test" is imported from the file system to the following folder:
/Dokumentation/Standorte/DU - Düsseldorf/2 - Konzession/B - Behördliche Genehmigungsdokumentation/B08_GutachtenWe want to pre-populate the following document properties in the D2 Smart View New dialog:
Title = Test
Location_short = DU
Location_long = DU - Düsseldorf
Type = Konzession
Subtype = Behördliche Genehmigungsdokumentation
Code = B08_GutachtenI hope this makes sense.
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Jürgen Tebrün: Yes… correct so what i was suggesting was to have the directory structure maintain the information based on the selection. So while adding the document then can start from the leaf folder(innermost folder as in this case B08_Gutachten) assuming that all the values are present in the leaf folder. This way, while initiating an import or create document from the folder, the values are populated. Another way is to make use of the content assistance selection on the import/create document wizard to select the source content.
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Thank you, I'm checking and respond if I get results.
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