Unclear 23.3 feature - "Create new" in model picker
AppWorks Tips
In 23.3 I see a new developer feature passing by: "Ability to create related models from Model picker during development"
I searched for it in the manual, but "Model picker" is for me (and others) a new terminology. Where can I enable this simple 'Create new' option and how do I use it on what pickers?
BR, Antal
Hi Antal,
While designing the application in CWS, you can choose related models using the picker/select box. 'Create new’ option is now available for all the pickers and with this you can create the related models directly from there and select it automatically for you.
Below are example screen showing 'Create new' in History and Form designer.
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@nssmani That's my "Aha!" moment of today…Thx
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