Facing 'Unable to lock the input folder' __FCLOCK.LCK (Access is denied) error on File connector
Hello All,
We have poller configurations enabled for File connector in HA environment(2 nodes). When we restart the SCs, file connector will pick the files from filesystem. After some time it will stop picking the files. In log file we often see 'Could not create Socket Writer URI ' and Unable to lock the input folder error. Can some one suggest how to resolve this issue?
<log4j:event logger="com.cordys.coe.ac.fileconnector.extensions.directorypoller.DirectoryPollerThread" timestamp="1688988776137" time="2023-07-10T13:32:56.137+02:00" level="ERROR" thread="Directory Poller Thread">
<log4j:message><![CDATA[Unable to lock the input folder: \\Filesystem Path..\DataOut\Activation]]></log4j:message>
<log4j:MDC><![CDATA[host=iepuaotaw000 processid=7340]]></log4j:MDC>
<log4j:throwable><![CDATA[java.io.FileNotFoundException: \\Filesystem path….\DataOut\Activation\__FCLOCK.LCK (Access is denied)
at java.base/java.io.RandomAccessFile.open0(Native Method)
at java.base/java.io.RandomAccessFile.open(RandomAccessFile.java:346)
at java.base/java.io.RandomAccessFile.<init>(RandomAccessFile.java:260)
at java.base/java.io.RandomAccessFile.<init>(RandomAccessFile.java:215)
at com.cordys.coe.ac.fileconnector.extensions.directorypoller.LockFile.acquire(LockFile.java:106)
at com.cordys.coe.ac.fileconnector.extensions.directorypoller.DirectoryPollerThread.run(DirectoryPollerThread.java:362)
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834)
<log4j:locationInfo class="com.cordys.coe.ac.fileconnector.extensions.directorypoller.DirectoryPollerThread" method="run" file="DirectoryPollerThread.java" line="387"/>
Hi jpluimers, I think they do have multiple File connectors pointing to the same shared folder. It's an HA environment with two nodes. Do you think File connector doesn't support this kind of configuration?
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