BUG? metadata panels not working on properties page from task
if you try triggering a workflow with a working document. Check the task, click on working document and click on the properties button (or info button), In the new page select the document on the left, and click on the properties. You will not see the custom metadata panel that you created earlier
Here, you are inside the workflow tasks view vs. the metadata view. You can extend your plugin/panel to be viewed in both metadata view and in tasks view to have it in both locations. Here, Properties and Relations are common to both metadata view and tasks view. Your panel would need to be re-used/defined also at the tasks view level I believe.
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@lementree looks like I have it wrong. I was reviewing with engineering and found that the properties view when called from the working/supporting files limits to properties and relations only being shown.
We are looking at having this view honor the extension as well. Engineering will need some time for this to see if we can provide a simple fix/patch for it.
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For the above, can you tell me how important this is to your solution? Could this wait till 24.2 or do you need a fix sooner. Let me know the impact and we will try to balance our workloads as best we can to expedite if needed.
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