To backup database of existing server and use in docker image
Hi Team,
We are trying to use docker container and move the report server from EC2 to AWS ECS.
server version we are using : RS4.1.0-6064 (2022-06-09-12-24-17)
We are able to create a docker image but not able to back up existing database.
We would like to understand the commands or steps to take current database back up so that we can leverage same data in AWS ECS as well.
Appreciate the help !!!
Thanks for posting @REYKI . Can you please confirm which OpenText product you are using? I can then move your post to the best spot in the Community for you.
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Hi Karen , thanks for the reply , i am using BIRT report server.
Reframing my question again :
Hi Team, We are trying to use docker container for reportserver and move the report server from EC2 to AWS ECS.ReportServer version we are currently using for EC2 : RS4.1.0-6064 (2022-06-09-12-24-17)Reportserver docker version we are going to use is RS4.6.1-6092 (2023-05-26-13-10-32) We are able to create a docker image and run it an AWS ECS container successfully using an AWS RDS mysql database (same type as the current one, but different database name), but what we would like to do is backup the existing reportserver AWS RDS mysql database and restore it to the new reportserver AWS RDS mysql database. We are using mysqldump to dump the data from the existing database and mysql command to restore to the new one, but we are getting all kinds of errors when bringing up the new reportserver version in AWS ECS after doing this.. What would you recommend or help us understand how we would migrate the existing reportserver data over to the new reportserver version in docker? An export of the data from mysql and restore to mysql would be the easiest, but if that isn’t possible, how would we migrate the data? Appreciate the help !!!
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