How can I configure D2 to open native content on double click?
I am trying to configure D2 so when a user double clicks on a document, it opens the native content in read only mode. Currently, it opens the PDF rendition of a document. How can I change the double click action to open native content?
Thank you,
I suppose that would be in D2-Config, in the menu configuration…. You will probably needd to change the action associated with the Double-click
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Thank you Francois. I do not see an option to change the action associated with double-click. Am I missing something? Is there any documentation/KB article about this topic?
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Sorry for that. That was just a guess and seems like I was wrong. I didn't play much with the menus so no idea. Hopefully, somebody else can help you….
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you need to go into D2-config and change the action on click from D2_ACTION_CONTENT_VIEW to D2_ACTION_CONTENT_VIEW_NATIVE
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