Allow case-insensitive installation of SQL Server for Documentum
The requirements for SQL server database for installing Documentum Server require case-sensitivity, and that SQL Server authentication only should be in place.
As a feature request, would it be possible to make this flexible and allow SQL Server to be also installed in case-insensitive way, plus enable Windows authentication on top of SQL authentication?
I seriously doubt it but you should log this through the proper channel which is OpenText tech support (or via your account manager).
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Like I wrote : OpenText support (
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Ok, but there is no place (from what I notice) to post a question/feature request that is non-customer related / generic. Rather, you can only open cases specific to customers. Where can I open feature request (again, non-customer specific question, but something that would be helpful for many customers, based on feedback we receive)?
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They will generally only take a feature request if it's based on a customer requirement. If you don't have an account with OpenText, then you won't be able to open a ticket/feature request.
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