IAPI command - change format
How can I change the format of the primary rendition through IAPI?
Chatgpt tells me to destroy the primary rendition but as far as I know, this is not permitted.
Best Answers
Then you just need to change the a_content_type attribute for the object
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Or setfile,c,0901ece38255f410,E:\converted\0901ece38255f410.pdf,pdf and drop the following command
when you say change the format, do you mean the a_content_type of the object or do you mean the file itself, with another format?
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Check in from file should. What client are you using?
If D2, you might need to check with the admin if the option is not configured out.
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Then you just need to change the a_content_type attribute for the object
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You need to issue setfile command with the new file path and the new format. And then you can checkin (if you checked out before) or save (if you didn't checkout).
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Or setfile,c,0901ece38255f410,E:\converted\0901ece38255f410.pdf,pdf and drop the following command
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You can also do this in client UIs
D2Classic/SmartView - Import New Version, navigate to the file you want to replace with (any format) and it will check it in
DA/Webtop - Checkin from file, choose the new file.
Not really an answer to your question, just an expansion on the options to do the same via an existing client UI in case it is useful 😃
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