Finding the source of a Reviewers list in Workflow Modeller

hoping someone can help. I have to get pre-existing Workflow Modeller workflows working in a new TeamSite installation, and I've never used them before. The content store has been copied over, and I can start our main WM workflow but it doesn't show me the list of Reviewers. Previously had copied over Roles, tsgroups, tsuser, user_databases etc and everything looks fine elsewhere.
I went digging and found a custom_instantiation.cfg in the WM branch that seems to be for our workflow (? is this what I should be looking in?), and in the section for Reviewers there I see:
<inline command="Datasource:executeComponent:LiveSite Reviewers"/>
So where should I be looking?
Appreciate any help from anyone who can point me in the right direction.
Update, got further, found DataSourceConfig.xml has
<name>Rebrand Reviewers</name> <param name="Roles">WFReviewers</param>
…that's what I need I think.So brought over DataSourceConfig.xml. Roles.xml has WFReviewers defined and in fact my user has that role in the branch I am trying the workflow.
But still don't get the list of Reviewers in the workflow. What else? Need a reset or restart?
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One more follow up, I tried for the OOTB PLC on the component guide branch (ccpro).I added a new user and made them a Reviewer on that branch and immediately they show up in the list.
And the PLC does NOT prevent me from approving my own content.
<name>LiveSite Reviewers</name>
<param name="servername">tsserver</param>
<param name="serviceBaseURL">http://tsserver</param>
<param name="csFactory">com.interwoven.cssdk.factory.CSJavaFactory</param>
<param name="Roles">Admin,Reviewer</param>
<param name="Delimiter">,</param>
</datasource>0 -
Hi Nipper,
I have tried a full TeamSite restart now, and still not getting the full list of Reviewers - don't know why, I think I have brought all the relevant files across, but it's only getting a sub-section of users with role "WFReviewers". Missing a detail somewhere.
Also on the 1st screen of the workflow, it's not getting the Calendar, which I assume is a standard TS WF Modeller thingie. Again I'm looking in the custom_instantiation.cfg file for this particular workflow, and I see a reference to /iw-cc/DataCapture/Callout/, but not sure where to find that.
Looks like this will have to be another Support ticket :(
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Are those users WFReviewers on that branch ? Roles apply to certain branches.
I thought the Calendar changed but I am unable to find the docs on it. Was this copied from your old server ?
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Yes, for 1 branch I have 2 users, one appears only as a Reviewer in the old TS server, the other appears as a Reviewer in both. Yet if I look at their respective roles in that branch they are exactly the same (using iwaccess all-permission-entries-of-user [user] |grep [branch] - exact same output).
So something else - neither are Master, can't think what else could be the reason. Head scratcher.
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Think I may have at least found a log entry for the issue with the users, in content_center.log:
ERROR | 2024-07-15 12:13:33 | [default task-3] modeler.UsersWithRolesDataSource ( - execute: error while communicating with teamsite, unable to populate user map.
com.interwoven.cssdk.access.CSInvalidUserException: No such userIf it crashes before it can fully populate the reviewers that could be a reason for only seeing a subset of the expected number of them.
What would be handy would be to know which user it crashed out on, so I can try and figure out why and deal with that errant user accordingly. However I know some users are still existing in the likes of tsusers.xml & tsgroups.xml (which I copied over) but are no longer seen with
iwuseradm list-users -t
because they were from a DB we won't be using anymore. iwtrace.log seems to be complaining about them.Maybe I need to physically remove those users from tsusers.xml (& tsgroups.xml?), because that may be where the system looks to populate from? Anyone know?
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An update to finish this… On reviewing the workflows (i.e. the ones working in the old TeamSite system) we decided they were in need of a change anyhow - functionality that is no longer required, and functionality that should be added, and a general simplification to meet our needs.. That and the fact that they wouldn't work when brought into the new TeamSite installation anyhow decided us to come at this issue from the 'reverse direction'.
…which was to get the existing deployments (still relevant) to work from the new TeamSite to the existing webservers (done now). THEN decide how to connect the deployments to the new TeamSite.
…that could be a scheduled script, a CGI run from the UI, or another simplified workflow (wfm or .wft). Since all that is really required in this environment is to deploy to QA, then deploy to Prod (plus submits, editions etc), it could be any of those really.
Interested to know peoples' opinions on which they would personally prefer to do for that simple scenario (i,e no Reviews, just simple movement of files). I'm not a Workflow Modeller guy, but I do Perl, so I am favouring a CGI script from the UI or a simple .wft workflow. Can be embellished later, if needs be.
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