Docbroker not found while installing DCTM 23.4 on Redhat 9
I am contacting you because I could not find Docbroker while testing the installation of DCTM23.4 on Redhat 9.4.
I proceeded with the installation by looking at the Install Guild, but after installing Docbroker, the process is not proceeding because I cannot connect to Docbroker during the process of installing Reprotory.
All firewalls were turned off, and it was confirmed that the port could be accessed using telnet, etc., and the netstat command confirmed that Docbroker was in normal LISTEN mode. Is there anything else we should look into?
add. connection mode is native only.
install logs
Not sure what the problem is. You may want to check the Docbroker logs on the other host. You could also try to ping the Docbroker using the dmqdocbroker utility instead of telnet: dmqdocbroker -i and follow the prompt.
Personnally, I think that it's always a good idea to install a local docbroker, even if you need to project to a remote one as well. There are many processes running on the Documentum Server which connect to the repostory (jobs/methods, iapi, idql, etc), and they would benefit from a local docbroker.
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Have you removed the annon cipher on java blacklist? if this is not removed connection on the secure port won't work (also check that the proper JAVA_OPTIONS are exported, as 23.4 requires several new options)
Also you can set the debug options before running the installer (export LAX_DEBUG=true) and maybe you'll get some more information, but this is usually a java issue
As far as I know, that test just ran dmqdocbroker via dm_awk in order to check the port is open…
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Thanks. your comment i will try it.
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Thanks. your comment i will try it.
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