OCP Developer Workbench - API testing app

gvicari E Community Moderator
edited October 31, 2024 in Thrust Studio #1

The OCP Developer Workbench beta release is now available!

The developer workbench desktop application is a test application allowing developers to understand the functionality of the APIs offered by the OpenText Thrust Services, and how to use them.

It offers a highly a configurable user interface, with perspectives (such as Library Management, Process Admin, Capture), and the ability to determine what to show and not to show in these perspectives.

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As a developer you can also intercept all OpenText™ Thrust Services API calls to examine them, and it is even possible to pause execution after each call (like debug mode).


To install the application, download the version for your operating system from the following link and execute it.

Click here to download


When opening the OCP Developer Workbench, fill the application details, and log in.

Once you have accepted the beta test end user license, you can use the application and access the application user guide from the Help menu (top right).

You can switch perspectives from the User Profile Menu (top right).


  • LazarescuA
    LazarescuA E Community Moderator

    New version released (0.8.74)

    Fixed some issues with the MacOS installer. Because the application is still in a Beta stage, the MacOS code is not signed. Hence the auto update is not updating but notifying you of a new version. Changes:

    • MacOS notification now has a button to take you directly to the download page.
    • MacOS can now copy/paste values
    • MacOS compiled for all architectures (x64, arm64)
    • MacOS port was used by other apps, new default port 5013 (Windows port remains 5000)
    • The application now shows the running URL in the Settings dialog making it easier to copy and paste into Admin Center for redirect URL

    After the update, first time you run the new version, the application should open a new browser tab to this forum post. Let us know if you have issues/improvement ideas.

  • LazarescuA
    LazarescuA E Community Moderator

    New version released 0.8.75

    !!!Forms Service - preview!!! - the brand-new forms service is available for you to test! Just switch the perspective to the Forms Perspective and play around with it. Remember, you can also use the forms you design in the Developer Workbench to show object properties (use the App Config for that) or inside Workflow tasks. Everything is in the documentation (? icon in top right corner).

    The Forms Service will soon release its VSCode plugin for form design and then you will have all the documentation on developer.opentext.com. Although there is the possibility to use a web designer for Forms (as well as Process Models, Decisions, DRD, Type definitions, etc.) - we STRONGLY suggest you use the VSCode plugins as it is the only way to maintain your entire application in Source Control, deploy it using ALM and have control over the artifacts deployed in the Admin Center.

    The Developer Workbench is a testing tool and can be easily used to understand how things work with very little effort or configuration.

    Also, made it easier to switch environment without logging out. If you have a current token, it will switch directly.

    Fixed some issues with differences between regions and services updates.

    Remember: on Windows the update is automatic, on Mac you will have to update manually as (because of its Beta status) the installer is not yet signed.

    Let us know if you have any questions/issues.

  • LazarescuA
    LazarescuA E Community Moderator

    New version 0.8.76

    The API Drawer now shows also the JavaScript API's!

    Besides the REST API calls, there are already 2 Thrust Services providing JavaScript API's: Viewer and Forms. For this reason, we modified the Developer Workbench so that you can test/debug and play with these components.

    In the Viewer component, you can see the Events and Functions as the drawer will now move inside the dialog. You also have a nice button to play around with functions.

    There are also 2 new perspectives:

    View & Transform - for seeing the publications in your environment but also to have a step-by-step wizard for the Viewer component. Each step is activated when the prerequisites are met and it will certainly make it easy to understand how to load and use the Viewer.

    Signature - once you self provision a Signature subscription, you can access the API's and documents sent for signature in this new Perspective. You can upload documents and sign them in different ways. Just like a Signature… workbench :)

    Other bug fixes and improvements are also there, just check your configuration (User Menu → Edit App Config).

    Another improvement in the User menu is that you can show the Developer Console in the Electron app (just like in Chrome) to debug things.

    And, lastly, we will have 2 labs during OT World next week to go through the functionalities!! If you are there, look for the Developer Labs or come to the Developer booth to have a discussion.

  • LazarescuA
    LazarescuA E Community Moderator

    New version 0.8.81

    This new version introduces pretty colored print for JSON and XML to navigate the structures easier:

    Also, most Tabs will save their table state (page, rows per page, filter, sorting, etc.) so when you return to a tab you will be in the same place.


    Capture perspective

    Added a new Tab (Workflow). This is used to start Capture Workflows that are defined in the Core Capture UI. You can also see the results once they are ready. This is to showcase the new Capture Workflow API's.

    The demo utilizing the Workflow Service to route documents is still available, the tab is now called "Custom Process". Also, you can use the Tasks tab from the Process perspective to work on the Validation UI of the Custom Process. More info in the documentation.

    Added the Validate and Populate endpoints. You can call them from the Validation Dialog (once a document is recognized in either IEE or Advanced Recognition, click on the eye icon at the bottom of the page to view the document and have the Validation/Population calls) - it will respect the Core Capture Designer settings for the document type with regards to population and validation rules.

    Information Intelligence support

    In the Library Perspective any document can be sent to Information Intelligence (like the RiskGuard action). It is by default deactivated as it required a separate plan in your Organization. Please contact your sales team to have the plan added to your org. Once you have it, you can just activate it from the App Config view.

    NEW perspective: Retention

    This is to create/delete/update retention definitions and holds. It also has a query tab to show all CMS objects under retention or hold.

    In the Library perspective there is a new tab in the Properties dialog for retention where you can apply retentions and holds. Note that when you apply the retention, it will not calculate the qualification and base date immediately. You need to run the Qualification job (in the Retention perspective) and check its results in the Admin Console.

    More details are in the documentation.

    Also in the Library Perspective, there is support for CMS Validators (validators that can be added to a type or trait field).

  • LazarescuA
    LazarescuA E Community Moderator

    New version 0.8.82

    View & Transform Perspective

    Added the possibility to create custom configurations by using a dialog in the UI. This will allow to better understand and learn all options of the Viewer Component (layout keys, palletes, etc.). You can also select another configuration, load it, and then use the Custom Configuration dialog that will display the current loaded configuration in the dialog:

    The resulting configuration can then be seen in the API Drawer in the payload of the setLayout function.

    Export to Bruno

    Exporting the calls now has a new option: the popular Bruno tool. It will create a native Bruno collection with the selected authorization type (PKCE or Password grant).