Tried to perform search query in the Rest api but got this error

Attribute is invalid;(DM_FULLTEXT_E_EXEC_XQUERY_FAIL) [DM_FULLTEXT_E_EXEC_XQUERY_FAIL]error: "EXEC_XQUERY failed with error: ESS_DMSearch::ExecuteSearchPassthrough. Communication Error Failed to perform URL: HTTP://xxxxxxx//dsearch/IndexServerServlet?ftRequestHandler=GET-CONFIG, errorcode: 7: Couldn't connect to server,General Exception, error code: -2"


  • This error shows that the xPlore instance is down. Can you check if the xPlore services are started properly?

    Hari Gadhamsetty
    Architect, Consulting Services

  • Can you help me how to restart or reinstall these services. Is there any documentation regarding this as I'm a end client user who is trying to consume rest api services

  • Goto the server that the Content Server is installed on. Restart the xplore services from there.

  • Open the services console of xplore installed mechine and start the following services in the order shown
    • Documentum xPlore PrimaryDsearch (Primary)
    • Documentum xPlore Watchdog -C -xPlore
    • Documentum Indexagent

  • can we able to check from client side if these services are down or not because the server team is saying the xPlore services are workign fine

  • From Documentum Administration, you should see in the main Administraion node the URL to xPlore dsearchadmin. Click on it to see if it's up. In the Indexing Management node under Index Agents, you should see if the index agent is running.