Displaying A non Persistent field from a table in BIRT

edited February 11, 2022 in Analytics #1

HI Guys,

I am designing a very simple report in BIRT for Maximo 7.6.1 .The tables that are used in this INVOICE and INVOICECOST Table in Maximo database.

The Column and the Fields that are going to be displayed in the report are as follows


The problem here is that UNINVOICEDTOTAL table does not have a persistent HEIRARCHYPATH column

Now can anyone please throw some light on the thing that CAN ONE PULL A non persistent Column into BIRT data set for this report [e.g let us say Dataset1]
.If yes Please kindly explain.

Please this is urgent do send in your responses.
If you require more info on this also let me know.
I will post the same


  • This forum is dedicated to the OpenText product, EasyLink Messaging API. Please visit the following link for product information and support:


    Thank you.

    Tammy Gargiulo
    Software Engineer - Associate | EasyLink Development


  • Thanks Tammy for the URL.

    I am also facing the same issue in Maximo BIRT 4.3.2 version .What are all the steps that i need to follow from the belowscript .I can able understand the section Open and Fetch section.I was not able to under stand the Highlighted script.I have an issue with only one column that Invoice .UNINVOICEDTOTAL Filed.

    //gets asset.classstructureid

    var classstructureid = maximoDataSet.getString("classstructureid");

    var hierarchypath = new String();

    if( classstructureid != null) {

    downtimeDataSet = MXReportDataSetProvider.create(this.getDataSource().getName(), "classstructure");


    var downSql = " with Hierarchy(classstructureid, parent, Level) "

    • " as "

    • " ( "

    • " select classstructureid, parent, 0 as Level "

    • " from classstructure l "

    • " where l.classstructureid = '" + classstructureid +"'"

    • " union all "

    • " select l.classstructureid, l.parent, ch.Level + 1 "

    • " from classstructure l "

    • " inner join Hierarchy ch "

    • " on ch.parent = l.classstructureid "

    • " ) "

    • " select Hierarchy.*, classstructure.classificationid "

    • " from Hierarchy "

    • " join classstructure on classstructure.classstructureid = Hierarchy.classstructureid "

    • " order by Level desc ";

    downtimeDataSet.setQuery(downSql); // gets classstructure hierarchy of our classification

    while (downtimeDataSet.fetch()) { // adds " \ " between recrods

    hierarchypath += downtimeDataSet.getString("classificationid") + " \ ";



    // removes " \ " after last classification

    hierarchypath = hierarchypath.substring(0,hierarchypath.length -2);

    row["hierarchypath"] = hierarchypath;


    return (true);


  • Hi @sivakumar123

    I will move this thread to the location Tammy provided. The experts following that forum will be able to provide guidance.

  • https://developer.ibm.com/static/site-id/155/maximodev/7609/maximocore/businessobjects/psdi/app/invoice/FldInvoiceUnInvoicedTotal.html
    Initialize this non-persistant field and set it equal to: PO total cost -(invoice lines cost + inclusive taxes) if there is a PO. Else, set it to null.

    Code it in SQL