Dql query for count of linked documents in a cabinet

Hello all,

I need a DQL query for count of linked documents in a cabinet.


  • Why are you creating a new question when we have already discussed this in your other post? This bad forum etiquette.

  • Oops, sorry, typo, I was actually looking for Rendition Information. I wanted a query to find out count of documents in the cabinet that have renditions

  • Try something like:

    SELECT * FROM dm_document d
    WHERE FOLDER('/Cabinet_Name', descend)
    SELECT * FROM dmr_content r
    WHERE ANY r.parent_id = d.r_object_id
    AND r.full_format = 'pdf'

    Pedro Maia
    Senior Consultant

  • @PedroMaia thanks for the comment, but it only specifies for pdf, I need to know about all the rendition formats being used in one single cabinet.

    Consider this,

    I want to know count of all the documents that have renditions, rendition format and size of that rendition in one cabinet. I am doing volumetric analysis for migration to SharePoint
  • Try this:

    SELECT r.full_format,r.full_content_size,d.object_name FROM dm_sysobject d, dmr_content r
    WHERE ANY r.parent_id = d.r_object_id AND folder('/Cabinet_Name,descend)

    You can group/sum using the output of the DQL in Excel