MetaTagger and TS Templating

We would like utilize MT within templates. We want a button in the DCT that opens up the MT interface. Would that be a cgi callout? Where do I start in trying to accomplish this -- can someone point me in the right direction? There doesn't seem to be any documentation anywhere.
Any ideas? Thanks!


  • I have run MT on templated content using workflow, but not from the Templating interface. I could see the process being a bit cumbersome with MT in the interface as the DCR would have to be saved before MT could work on it and write the metatags. I assume there is a reason you do not want to run it from workflow as an interactive process.
  • I guess I'm just looking for the most intuitive way to integrate the 2. For content providers to have to select "Run Metatagger" from a pulldown menu just seems like an extra step that may often get forgotten. Hence the thought of a button in the DCT -- if the button is right there, they know to click it if the corresponding meta fields in the DCT are blank....

    However, workflow may be a viable option. How do you have it set up, does it avoid the user having to select metatagger from a pulldown menu? How do you invoke it -- via a cgi task or external task? What program do you call on in the <command>? Could you show me a snippet?

    Thanks for the input!
  • A workflow can be used for invoking MT each time DCR is saved and closed. Upon closing, if a tt_data workflow is specified in the available_templates.cfg, then templating will prompt for workflow to be initiated upon saving and closing the DCR.
    To do this, one needs to specify a CGI task in the workflow which calls the mtmetaproxy.cgi. This would always open MT UI with suggested summary and prompts for keywords.

    Hope this serves your requirements.

    Akshat Pramod Sharma
    Interwoven Inc.
  • What do you want to set metadata on ? The DCR or the generated output html/jsp/asp page ? If setting on output page, again you can use workflow (eg: Submit with metadata) to force the setting of metadata. This is done with CGI task, with the following command defined in the workflow (also illustrated in the out-of-the box workflows):

    - standard TeamSite metadata form
    <command v="iwmetadata.cgi"/>

    - Metatagger metadata form
    <command v="mtmetaproxy.cgi"/>
  • Thank you all for your help, my workflow's running great with metatagger entry as one of the tasks.

    But of course my bosses aren't completely happy with that. They still want a button in the DCR, because sometimes the same content provider both fills out the DCR and sets the metadata. For these cases, it would be nice if that person didn't have to go to the to do list just to fill out the metadata, but had it as a button in the DCR to remind them to fill it in.

    SO, I'm trying to do a cgi-callout in the DCT. This is what I've got so far...
    <item name="MetaTagger">
    <textarea wrap="virtual" cols="50" rows="5">
    <cgi-callout url="/iw-bin/mtmetaproxy.cgi" label="Click here to enter metadata info" window-features="width=620,height=400,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes"/>

    ...this is opening MT, however, I get "ERROR: No files were chosen - please choose file(s) and restart". Ultimately, I'd like to pass MT the value of the generated html page to set metadata on it. But if someone knows a way to pass the value of the DCR to MT, I could probably figure out what I need to do from that syntax.

    Any ideas?
  • As per your requirements it seems that upon closing the DCR the same person should be able to set the Metadata too using MetaTagger. I understand you plan to use a callout in DCR itself but it coul dbe done by the same person by using workflow approach and that too without going into TeamSite UI for the To-Do list checking on each DCR creation.

    1. User creats DCR.
    2. Saves DCR
    3. Closes DCR.
    4. Templating prompts whether you want to "submit this file for approval?"...CLick OK
    5. Workflow gets kicked off which has a cgi call to MetaTagger. <command v="mtmetaproxy.cgi" />
    6. Upon filling up the desired sections of the MT UI, user clicks on Finish button.

    To set this up:
    1. You need to write a workflow with the cgitask

    <cgitask name="metadata" start="t" owner="__TAG__('iw_user');"
    description="apply metadata" lock="f" immediate="t">
    <areavpath v="__TAG__('iw_workarea');"/>
    <successorset description="End">
    <succ v="End"/>
    <command v="mtmetaproxy.cgi" />
    if (__ELEM__('iw_file') != 0) {
    for (my $i=0; $i < __ELEM__('iw_file'); ++$i) {
    __INSERT__("<file path='__TAG__(iw_file[$i]);' comment=''/>\n");

    2. Once this workflow is created, you need to add an entry in available_templates.cfg file to set this workflow to kick off on 'tt_data' event.

    <command value='tt_data' />

    This will have a MT called for each DCR close operation.
    Hope this helps,

    Akshat Pramod Sharma
    Interwoven Inc.

    Edited by webteam on 08/22/02 05:06 PM (server time).

  • I fully understand what you're saying about the workflow kicking off. However, we have many pages, and on some pages "Jane" works on, she will be responsible for entering the metadata. But in other cases, "Jane" will edit a page, then "Bubba" will enter the metadata.

    We'd like to have 1 solution -- a cgi callout button in the template -- that seems to make the most sense. As per my last post, I've gotten it to the point where the metatagger window pops up, but I still get the error ERROR: No files were chosen - please choose file(s) and restart

    Any suggestions?
  • I'm still not clear about something here - do you really want to set metadata on the DCR - or on the generated page?

    Is there any "logic" that dicatates who will be responsible for setting the metadata? Either implicitly based upon the category/datatype or some data that's already being collected in the DCT/DCR itself, or explicitly in that you could add a field to the DCT for the content contributor to select who is responsible for setting the metadata?

    This could be used in conjunction with a workflow to trigger off a cgitask (MT set metadata UI) owned by the "right" person on closing the Edit DCR session.

    FWIW: If the user who is responsible for filling in the metadata is *not* the same as the user who is filling out the DCR - you still need a way to pass along the responsibility from one user to the next - thus I think the workflow concept works better as a general solution than the callout button concept. I.e., If Jane fills in the DCR - and Bubba will enter the metadata - how does Jane notify Bubba that this needs to be done, and how does Bubba go about actually doing it?

    (Interwoven, Curriculum Development)
  • I second what fish says and in my previous response I recommended using Workflow based approach.
    In my previous response, I had also given the code for workflow task too. The best part is that with workflow you could also automate the notification to appropriate user and assign the ownership of that task.
    So, this new field (as suggested by fish) in your DCT could be used for the username and not only can you assign the task to this user but also can you notify the user via emails.

    Hope this helps.

    Akshat Pramod Sharma
    Interwoven Inc.
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