Document Watermarked in D2, make visible on other client too.

Hi Guys,

By default, watermarked applied using C2 plugin, is only visible in D2-client only.
Can we make this watermark available at other client too?


  • What other client are you using? Not familiar with C2, but with other watermarking tools (e.g. Brava), if you want this to be visible to non-Brava, you need to "burn" watermarks into the file (e.g. pdf). Once this is done, the original file will forever have the watermark. If this is not what you want to do, then you will need to see if C2 plugin is available in other client. I know Brava works in webtop and xcp.

  • In C2-plugin, watermark is always in PDF. Please correct me I am wrong.
    Then what do you meant by "Burn the watermark"

  • @DCTM_Guru said:
    What other client are you using? Not familiar with C2, but with other watermarking tools (e.g. Brava), if you want this to be visible to non-Brava, you need to "burn" watermarks into the file (e.g. pdf). Once this is done, the original file will forever have the watermark. If this is not what you want to do, then you will need to see if C2 plugin is available in other client. I know Brava works in webtop and xcp.

    @DCTM_Guru, Thanks for your response
    In C2-plugin, watermark is always in PDF. Please correct me I am wrong.
    Then what do you meant by "Burn the watermark"

  • "Burning" means it gets embedded as part of the pdf, such that when you export it, it is always there. For PDF, you can create "overlays" that you can display/hide programmatically. It sounds like C2 does this. So if you want to see this in your "other" clients, you have to include C2 in the other clients or you have to burn the watermark as part of the pdf. You still haven't answered my question of what your "other" clients are.