DM_ANNOTATE entry not deleting automatically from dm_relation table when the annotation removed


DM_ANNOTATE entry not deleting automatically from dm_relation table when the annotation removed from the document. will not be done automatically? Do we need to run any job like dm_clean? if so, how could job consider such scenario automatically?


  • What type of relation is it (ie is this out of the relation or custom relation type)? If its custom, make sure that the integrity_kind=2 for cascading delete against your custom dm_relation_type configuration. If this OOTB relation, you could try change this value, but server may not allow it.

  • Hi .. Thanks for the details..

    We are previewing the document in OpenText Brava pane and applying new markups. Where there is a markup on document the parent (sysobject) and child (note) relation maintained in dm_relation table. So, when you delete the markup from the same document, expecting to delete the relation from the same table.

  • Well, this sounds like Brava product issue. I would submit a ticket to get this cleaned up.

  • Thank You.. Please let us know if you have any updates from Vendor

  • When I said "I", I meant that "you" should do this if you want to get this resolved.

  • Suresh will do Thanks.. :)