Xquery Understanding


Accordingly to my understanding xquery returns xml,during my analysis xquery returns file content of xquery.I need the xml output of xquery. how to solve the problem??


  • The xQuery results XML output by default. Are you looking for any other format?


    Hari Gadhamsetty
    Architect, Consulting Services

  • In my case while running xquery it is returning file content instead of xml. I am guessing due to java library unavailability my xquery returning file content . Please clarify this...

  • As Hari said, xquery will return xml if run by using xquery methods on DFC.

  • GUI related(xforms) files i kept in content server and xquery file i kept in application server.i need to know xquery file deploy in any other place?

  • Seems you are checking for any other xQuery files deployed in the environment, which might be running and causing the issues. Is that correct?

    If these xQueries are running against xPlore, then increase the xPlore logging level from INFO to DEBUG to track the xQuery origination and more details on the same. You can also use the xPlore reports as well to identify the same.

    If your xQueries are intended for xDB instance attached to Content Server, Same approach of increasing the log level from INFO to DEBUG can help to identify the query origination and more details.

    Hope this helps:)

    Hari Gadhamsetty
    Architect, Consulting Services