D2 Workflow - Identify Reject or Forward Task - Transition Condition



I've got a workflow designed in Workflow Manager where at one stage the transition has to be decided based on a boolean field. But there's a reject transaction as well which should demote the object and send it back to the supervisor which is not happening.

So, now I'm trying to check if there's a way to identify what task was performed by the previous owner, if it's reject then I can point it to activity which goes back to supervisor.

Stakeholders Approve is a manual activity where if performer accepts the task, then it checks if the boolean value is set to True, then it goes to "Regulator Approval" else it goes to Finalizing. But when performer rejects, right now it still is going to Regulator as the boolean value is set to True for the checking attribute.

As such, I'm now trying to find a way to identify the kind of task performed, if its reject then the transition can be pointed towards Stakeholder Rejected.


  • imranganath
    edited August 26, 2019 #2


    Solution for this situation was to introduce a new property page with an attribute that's hidden and use a DQL to update that attribute to a value.

    Use that document's attribute in the Workflow Manager - Activity Inspector's conditions wizard to point it to right activity.