CSSDK Retreive CSHole Directory from STAGING


I am trying to retreive files and subdirectories, with CSSDK, on a directory that has been deleted and submited. I looked in CCPro the versions is disable even if there is 85 versions
If did this and it return me only the last version on a directory that has been deleted and Staged
but on a CSHole File it returns me all the versions
CSFile[] files = client.getFile(fileVPath).getFileRevisionHistory(9999999);

Is there a way to retrieve those files or they are gone for good



  • Just in case someone want to do the same

        CSVPath vpath = new CSVPath(path);
        CSFile file = client.getFile(vpath);
        if (file.getKind() == CSHole.KIND) {
            CSHole hole = (CSHole) file;
            if(hole.getPreviousKind() == CSDir.KIND) {
                CSBranch branch = hole.getRevisionBranch();
                CSEdition[] editions =  branch.getEditions(true, false, 999999);
                CSEdition edition = null;; 
                for (CSEdition ed : editions) {
                    if (hole.getCreationDate().getTime() > ed.getCreationDate().getTime()) {
                        edition = ed;
                return edition;
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