D2 Workflow - Order of Next Activities



In my workflow, I have a manual activity task which can select upto next 6 forward activities. The process is designed using workflow manager and a workflow config object created for the workflow to make it a D2 usable workflow.

The task on that manual activity shows the next 6 activities but not in the order I like. I have redrawn the arrows in workflow manager which changes the order but doesn't give me the order of my choice. e.g. the order of next activities shown below:

I would like the order to be:

Review documents(s)
SubprojectLead 1- Select reviewer
SubprojectLead 2- Select reviewer


  • My guess is that the list is sorted based on order of creation of the activity flow (ie link). Not ideal, but I don't think the UI was designed to allow for ordering the next activity choices.