Where is the Metadata stored?

When metadata is assigned to a file in teamsite, where and how is it stored? Is it stored in an XML file? If so where is this file? What methods can be used to search the metadata.


  • TeamSite Extended Attributes are stored in the TeamSite backing store, along with your file contents.

    DataDeploy can deploy EA's to a table in a relational database with pretty much any schema you like, and your EA's can be searched in that database.

    If you have DataDeploy installed on your TeamSite server, then there is also an out-of-the-box search, but it might be for Templating DCR's only, not EA's. Sorry, I don't remember.

    Hope this helps.
    -- James

    James H Koh
    Interwoven Engineering
  • Are the Extended atributes actually embedded in the files or are they stored in another type of file that references each individual file? I was under the impression that the EAs were stored in an XML file. Is this true?
  • > Are the Extended atributes actually embedded in the files


    > or are they stored in another type of file that references each
    > individual file?

    You can think of it in that way.

    > I was under the impression that the EAs were stored in an
    > XML file. Is this true?

    No. However, I think that MetaTagger may store some of its information as XML in an EA (since EA values can be arbitrary text).

    Why are you so interested in having the EA's represented as XML? It is certainly easy enough to get EA's out of TeamSite and produce XML from it. DataDeploy can do this, for example -- out-of-the-box, I think. Worst case scenario is that you write a program that gets the EA's and builds your XML document for you. You can get EA's with the "iwextattr" CLT, through OpenAPI, or through the Content Services SDK.

    Hope this helps.
    -- James

    James H Koh
    Interwoven Engineering
TeamSite Developer Resources

  • Docker Automation

  • LiveSite Content Services (LSCS) REST API

  • Single Page Application (SPA) Modules

  • TeamSite Add-ons

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