Implementing ICommand using C# and registering command

Hello all,

Trying to create a custom command by implementing IManExt.ICommand using C#.

And I have added registry entries for the custom command. But still I can not see my custom command.

I have registred my dll using GAC util to move it to assembly cache.

Can any one suggest what I am missing.



  • Did you build it as a COM visable dll and register it with regsvr32?
  • Hello all,

    Trying to create a custom command by implementing IManExt.ICommand using C#.

    And I have added registry entries for the custom command. But still I can not see my custom command.

    I have registred my dll using GAC util to move it to assembly cache.

    Can any one suggest what I am missing.

    Hi Naresh,
    We are also working on a custom code integration which is using IMANEXTLib.
    Being new to worksite and Dot net environment, I am getting difficulty to locate the library to include in my project.
    Can you please guide me with the location of IMANEXTLib.DLL ?
    Appreciate your help.

  • On a 64bit machine with File site or Desksite 8.5 installed should be in
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Interwoven\WorkSite
    for a 32 bit
    C:\Program Files\Interwoven\WorkSite

    This dll is a COM dll, and should appear as IManExt 1.0 type library in the list of com references

    Hope this helps
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