New Document Default profile settings do not work with API


We have been creating documents in iManage using the api's CreateDocument() method.

Although we can successfully modify profiling fields, we need to access the default settings (from the Menu at Tools/New Document Default...).

It seems these defaults are only applied if you create a document via the DeskSite user interface. We have been unable to find references to the New Document Default settings in the API documentation.

Best regards,



  • This is correct, the core api only talks to the server, and the default settings are not stored on the server. However, the iManExt api will pick these up, or you can query the registry when these settings are stored
    Hope this helps
  • You can read default profile values from registry, you can write code to read data from registry

    for example

    RegistryKey rk = Registry.CurrentUser;
    RegistryKey sk = rk.OpenSubKey(@Software\Interwoven\Worksite\8.0\iManExt\DefaultNewProfile);

    then here by using sk.SubKeyCount you can read values
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