Developer tools for From API

System Administrator
Hi Community,

We use tools like eclipse to develop component externals and CSSDK code for workflow/applications using Java.

I was wondering if someone has used a JS library to code on FormAPI. I was toying with the idea but havent been able to crack it as yet.

Do share your experiences.



  • A few folks have managed to integrate jQuery with moderate success, to build things like autocomplete text fields. There's code on these forums somewhere.
  • Hmmm. So this is where i got so far.

    1) I have eclipse Indigo with a Javascript plugin in it. Basically it lets me create Javascript projects and i can develop easily using all ECMA libraries (analogous to JRE system library for a java project)
    2) I used firefox with a firebug plugin to log into Teamsite and opened up a formpublisher window.
    3) I inspected the http traffic for this window and downloaded all the js files that were loaded on the DCR page, locally to my desktop
    4) I added the said js files in a JS Project on Eclipse.
    5) I am able to get a lot of formapi functions in context of development, but i am unable to fetch where the important ones like IWDatacapture and IWEventRegistry turn up....will keep checking.
  • Inspected and got hold of some more JS files. Should be able to work with this setting.
  • Ah gotcha.. I read your question as the inverse. You wanted to get an extract of FormAPI as a library to import into Eclipse for the purposes of syntax validation and whatnot.

    I haven't heard of anybody ever trying that, no. As you've probably figured out by now, what you need should largely be
  • Hi Rick,

    That is right. I intend to use auto suggest features of an IDE like Eclipse with a Javascript plugin into it for coding on Form API.

    Hi all,
    The location for JS source files, that have been provided in Rick's reply is probably for versions in which the content center web app got moved to the Application Container.

    If you do not find it there, please check under iw-home\TeamSite\httpd\webapps\content_center\datacapture\*.js


    PS: This could be considered as a kind of hack. Use this only of you specifically need to access the Datacapture Form API extensively.
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