share a project

edited February 11, 2022 in Analytics #1
how could i share my proejct of eclipse birt ?

we have strength of 2 deveopers in one single project of reporting

how we can share common devlopment of same project from diffrerent PCs of lan!
is there any feauture for sharing a common project from two different persons,using eclipse birt?


  • hewb
    edited December 31, 1969 #2
    BIRT report project is based on Eclipse workspace/project, so it doesn't support project/workspace sharing. To create a multi users development environment, you can use an source control system such as CVS or P4 to share projects/report as you did in any other java development projects in Eclipse.

  • hardik_982
    edited December 31, 1969 #3
    i did nt find yet to setup CVS for local network to share a project
    can you give me proper link to establish CVS respositary
