Stored procedure connection

edited February 11, 2022 in Analytics #1
Hello, I am very new to BIRT. I am having problems connecting via stored procedure. I therefore went to the simplest, making a connection to a stored procedure with no inmput parameters, but I still get an error that it cannot execute statement.

what am i doing wrong?

I can connect through tables, no problems, but the stored procedures it will not allow me. It sees the procedures in the datasource.


  • Virgil Dodson
    Virgil Dodson E admin
    edited December 31, 1969 #2
    Hi fae1,

    Are there more details to the error message? One thing you might think of is that a stored procedure that doesn't take input parameters may still have an output parameter. You should see this in the Available Items list. If so, make sure to construct your query like this: {call SCOTT.GET_EMP_DETAIL_PROC_NO_PACKAGE(?,?)} where both the input and output parameters are accounted for... then press Finish and go to the parameter tab of the data set to define your default values for the input.
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